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Thursday 23 February 2023

Ros 25mm French Imperial Guard

 Every once in a while I have a bit of a purge to clear the backlog of Ros figures waiting to be painted.  I sent a load of command figures to figure painter Lee, which he has now returned.

The latest batch off the painting table are some Ros 25mm French Imperial Guard.  The three command figure are by Lee and the troopers were painted by me.

I am quite pleased with the results:


  1. Those Ros OG grenadiers are full of character and paint up a real treat!

    1. Thanks Rob. Considering their age, they are nice figures, with a rather determined look to them.

  2. Nice unit. They look as though they would go well enough with your Minifigs 'S' range.

    1. Thanks. They do work well with S Range figures, particlarly the later ones issued before Minifigs went over to the chubby types.

  3. I'm always delighted by your Ros posts. What splendid figures. Best regards, Matthew

    1. Thanks. It is always a delight when these rather basic figures emerge after painting - rather like the tale of the ugly duckling (if we are allowed to use the word ugly any more).

  4. A lovely looking unit Bob…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for you comment Aly. I am rather fond of these old figures.

  5. I remember as a teenager "discovering" Ros did a few 25mm Napoleonics - from 10p each for Minifigs infantry and probably 20p or more for a cavalry figure, I was able to get an entire unit of twelve cavalry figures for 50p I think - I wish I had bought more, because the cavalry did work well with Minifigs and I THINK I may still have a few Ros dragoons in amongst my mainly Front Rank 25mm Napoleonic cavalry! Unfortunately I binned the Guard lancers many years ago due to excessive damage to the lances - nowadays, I would just replace the lances with wire but I think at the time, such "conversion" work was beyond my imagination!

    1. Hi rross. My brothers and I were the same. We bought heaps of the figures and made up whole armies. Some were converted. I still have most of our original collection and have added to it over the years when they turn up for sale.
