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Friday 17 February 2023

And Finally............

 The third and last of my WW2 formations is a British Airborne battlegroup.  The figures are a mix of Revell, ESCI, Italeri the odd Airfix and some Hong Kong copies.  The group is organised as two rifle battalions, a heavy weapons company, a pathfinder group, a light artillery battery and a headquarters group:

The Pathfinders/Recce group.
The Headquarters.
75mm Light Artillery Battery
Support Group, with a 6pdr anti-tank gun, 3" mortar and medium machine gun.
One of the rifle battalions.
I have other WW2 units to organise, but for the time being I am moving on to other projects.


  1. Another lovely little Battle Group Bob…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I must admit that I do enjoy painting WW2 stuff where it is possible to be a bit more liberal with the brush strokes. I would like to do an Italian battle group which would be fun.
