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Sunday, 2 June 2024

More fun with Speed Paints - Gallic Warband

 I continue to experiment with Army Painter Speed Paints.  Here is the latest effort.  The subject is a 16 figure box of HaT 54mm Gallic Warband.  

Having sprayed the figures white, I left them for 24 hours to properly set.  Over Friday evening and a few sessions yesterday I finished them off.  Speed Paints certainly live up to their name as the paint covers large areas evenly very quickly.

I will leave them for 24 hours and then apply a matt varnish spray:

I have a few boxes of these figures which I will work through when the mood takes me.


  1. Very impressive (and those Hat 54mm figures are very nice). Ive increasingly switched to light undercoat, which produces something of a 'speed paint' effect usi g thin normal paints, but the speed paint pigment stays much brighter on the highlights.

    1. I don't think that you will ever get the kind of finish achieved with 'normal' paints, but the result allows reasonable figures to be battle ready in a very short time. I also use acrylic in some areas, especially on metallic items.

  2. Never used speed paints but they are very intriguing, your work with them looks great and that's a very nice warband.

    1. They take some getting used to. It is a bit like water colour painting, staring with the light, normally skin tones, then working the darker colours. The figures look horrible to start with then come together as the last colours are applied.
