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Friday 5 April 2024

Speed Painting

 On Wednesday I thought that I would experiment some more with my 'Army Painter Speedpaints' by painting a small unit of 54mm Scots.  In all I painted five figures to add to three previously painted. To begin, I sprayed the figures with rattle can white primer, which is the key to getting the right results with these paints.

I then painted the face and lighter areas, working up to the darker tones.  In all it took me about three to four hours over several sessions in the day to complete the figures.  Once dry, I took them into the garden and gave them a spray of matt varnish:

The figures are from Irregular Miniatures 54mm range, listed as ECW/Jacobite highlanders. I think that the result is quite acceptable for wargame figures, although I don't think they would pass muster in a figure painting competition. 


  1. They look grand, a very nice job on them and will look great on the table. The miniatures are very nice too, Irregular has a lot of lovely stuff buried in their massive catalogue.

    1. Thanks Donnie, the Irregular Miniatures are nice with Jacobite Scots are quite hard to find in other ranges. They are easy to paint with good raised detail too. Ian Kay is producing some line infantry for me too.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Peter. Not quite up to normal painting standards but good enough for the wargame table.

  3. Very nice Bob…
    You’ve certainly brought the best out in these figures.

    All the best. Aly
