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Tuesday, 28 November 2023

More Airfix Romans

 I have finished off the last of my Airfix Roman infantry, although I still have a unit of archers to paint. In this instance, I have repositioned the shields to give a more realistic appearance:

I also had a chariot in the box and could not resist painting it, although it will likely be reserved for the Triumph in Rome!  Here is General Ludicrous Sextus urging the troops on!

My Airfix Roman army so far:

Friday, 24 November 2023

Airfix Romans

 Airfix Romans get a very poor write up regarding their accuracy, poses and quality. That said, I had a few kicking around and thought I would slap on some paint just to see how they turn out.

The figures are quite poor and the weapons and armour are a bit weird, however, after a bit of painting they begin to improve.  The question is, do I continue with the Airfix figures or try something better?

I will likely try several different types before I settle on something.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Ancient British Army

 It has been a while since my last post but this is because I have been head down painting an Ancient British army.  The idea came when I was sorting through some old boxes when I came across a load of Airfix 'Ancient Britons' figures.  There were some Romans too.

I have never painted these figures and my initial go was enjoyable and so the idea for a full army emerged.  I managed to find some more, including a pile of chariots on eBay.  I swapped the clunky solid wheels for those off the RHA set.  Cavalry came from an Italeri set.  There are some additional ESCI and Revell figures in the warbands to boost numbers.

Altogether I have 10 warbands, nine chariots, making four units, three units of archers, two of cavalry and a chariot borne leader.

I have started work on some Romans, although I am undecided whether to employ Airfix figures for this part of the project.  I will paint a sample unit to see what it looks like.

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Airfix French Line Infantry

 Every once in a while I get enormous pleasure from painting the old Airfix plastic figures.  With all of their inaccuracies and silly poses, they do look rather delightful after a splash of paint.

Just for fun I renovated these old 'Waterloo' French line infantry.  They officer is a conversion, using the head and torso of the mounted figure:

One day, it might be fun to play a small game with these figures.