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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Scruby Comparisons

I ordered some Crimean War sample Turks and French from the Scruby 25mm range, which are now manufactured by Historifigs, in the USA. I should add that the friendly service I received was excellent. I also like the quality of the figures. I have set some up along side a couple of Douglas figures to get an idea as to how well they would blend in. I think they will work well.

First we have some infantry. The Scruby figures, a Turk and a French soldier, are on the outside with a Douglas Guard and Highlander figure in between:

The cavalry work well too, although the poses of the horse and rider are very different between the Scruby figure, seen on the left and the Douglas Hussar on the right:

I think I will opt for the Scruby French and Turk figures.


  1. Bob, the Scruby figures look great, very nostalgic. I have a few of these modern recasts (Napoleonic Guard Lancers) from ebay and was very taken by them. The new metal used (pewter I think) certainly makes the lances a lot stronger. I have often wondered if Historifigs would post to the UK, and am glad they do, but is it cost effective? I love reading your blog, please keep up the good work.

    1. I think Historifigs provide a great service. The prices of the figures match UK companies and the postage was surprisingly reasonable. I will be ordering some more.

