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Saturday, 30 November 2024

Capture the farm and Orchard

 Another Rapid Fire game, again set in Normandy using Rapid Fire rules.

On this occasion, using a scenario borrowed from Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy Magazine, the Allies, advancing from the right,  have orders to take the farm buildings and secure the orchard.  Forces consist of a full US platoon, with a mortar and supported by a single Sherman tank.  The Germans have two sections of infantry, a sniper team, a machine gun team, and an assault gun to arrive later. The Germans had also laid some mines.  These were laid at the Y junction by the triangular field, although on the table indicated by a marker.  The German forces were all hidden and represented by markers, several of which were hoaxes.

Map courtesy of WSS magazine

Below, a  view of the table.  Some of the markers can be scene as round discs. 

The Sherman arrives and fires some speculative shots at the farm, which in fact contains the German sniper team.  The observer is killed.  Will, playing the allies, is worried about the marker at the Y junction and fires a few shots into the hedge, with no effect.
A view from the German end of the table.  In fact, the Germans have no forces in the farm buildings, other than the sniper team in the centre farm.  Both sections and the machine gun team are in the area of the orchard.  The idea being that the German commander wants to outgun the enemy that are likely to try to move around that flank.
Soon contact is made.  Two section of US troops, supported by the Sherman run up against the first German section and the machine gun in the orchard. The US suffer some casualties, but the Germans also take losses from tank fire and the machine gun is hit by small arms fire.  It looks bad for the Germans.
However, the Stug III arrives and quickly destroys the Sherman, but the US mortar is now raining bombs onto the Germans. In the background more US troops can be seen moving around that flank.
Now the second German section appears and causes a number of US casualties.  With the Sherman destroyed, the infantry sections cut to pieces with failing morale and the sniper picking off the bazooka team and mortar observers, the US assault on the orchard falters.
Attention shifts to the other flank, as the third US section moves to secure the farm.  But, with the Sherman destroyed, and despite attempts to mask them with smoke, the Stug III deploys and fires HE into the the US infantry.  Their morale collapses after taking casualties and they withdraw.  
The battle is over.  having suffered heavy casualties and lost their tank support the allied attempt to take the farm buildings and orchard fail.
A German victory. The figures are by Valiant and the tanks are from Armourfast.

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