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Tuesday 24 September 2024

Mystery Figure

 I was wondering if anyone knows what this figure might be.  I have checked all the usual places that have information on early Minifigs to no avail. It is possible that someone has one of these in their collection.

He is most likely from the 25mm Minifigs S Range and may well be from the Colonial range; CC2s Moroccan Cavalryman.

Also in the Minifigs catalogue, under the Crimean War, there is a figure listed as FRC 7s, Syrian Horse Lancer. Again, does anyone know of this figure and maybe what it looks like. Could the figure above be this one?  Or could the figure be something completely different.

Any information would be gratefully received.


  1. It is Minifigs and I believe it is a camel rider from one of their ancient lines.

    1. Thanks. That might make sense as the space between the legs is quite large compared to other cavalry figures.
