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Monday, 5 August 2024

Some more Ancients

 Last night, I finished off a group of Italeri Celts.  They were really nice to paint, with sharp definition and very clean lines.  

I also managed to find a small group of the elusive HaT African Infantry for my Carthaginian army.  This was really a test paint as I have now found a complete box of these figures which are already on the painting table.  I may repaint these as I think the armour should be bronze rather than leather and the shields look a bit bland:

Finally, four Romans came with the Carthaginians and they have received a splash of paint:


  1. All very nice additions, these HaT figures paint up really well, going to look great on the table.

    1. Thanks once again Donnie. I will be setting up the table shortly for a game in the next few days.

  2. These chaps have turned out really well Bob…
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. I must say that I am enjoying this little ancient project, which is nearing completion for the time being.

  3. I did my(20mm) Hat African Infantry with bronze breastplates and white petruges (sp?), which looks rather smart.

    1. Thanks Martin. I am close to completing another batch of African infantry. I agree the bronze armour looks good. I have used this, but with dark red tunics and brown leather work.
