I had a few more Trojans hanging around and I thought it might be fun to paint them. I have a plan for these figures, but will see how things go before i confirm what it is.
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Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Saturday, 24 August 2024
Rome vs Carthage
The right flank:
Bob's plan to ride down my skirmish line was largely ineffective as Roman heavy cavalry crushes the Numidian light horse and then ploughs into some Spanish light infantry.
Over on the opposite flank more Carthaginian cavalry join the fray. Here the Numidians do better, supported by some medium mercenary cavalry, which moments later are destroyed on Roman spears.
The same fate befalls the Numidians on the right flank as Roman cavalry pushe them back.
Some of the Roman skirmishers do fall, but the Spanish light are destroyed.
In another wave, Numidian light infantry shower Roman auxiliary archers with javelins, but with little effect. However the lightly clad Numidians suffer from Roman arrows.
The Numidian cavalry on the right rush forward again and are met by Roman cavalry. This tussle would go on for much of the battle, with the Numidians slowly pushed back.
Having resisted the Carthaginian skirmisher's attack it was the turn of the Romans to harry their enemy. The Romans were more successful causing a lot of damage to their opposite numbers.
The battle swung back and forth in the centre as waves of skirmishers fight it out, however, Roman medium infantry move up in large numbers and sweep the lighter enemy away
Roman infantry pushing into the centre:
Bob, decides that it is time to unleash his Gallic warbands:
...... and having carefully studied the rules, launches his elephant, with great success. Roman medium infantry are scattered as the beast ploughs forward:
On the other flank Bob's Spanish heavy cavalry charge into the Roman horse causing mayhem.
The Roman heavy cavalry is destroyed:
But these attacks are not enough to stem the tide of retreating Carthaginians. Most of Bob's cavalry and the bulk of his light troops flee the field cause a rout (brought on by lunch being ready). Bob concedes victory with a score of 9 - 4 to the Romans.
Monday, 19 August 2024
HaT Carthaginian Afican Heavy Infantry
The latest and the last last contribution to my 54mm ancient armies for the time being, are these rather splendid African infantry from HaT.
It took me a long time to find these figures as they are long out of production. Eventually, I located some in Italy, which were a reasonable price, although the postage price was somewhat eye watering.
This latest batch completes my Carthaginian army, which will take to the field when Bob Black visits tomorrow:
Saturday, 17 August 2024
Britains Herald Trojan
I have been looking for a suitable figure to pose as a general for my Carthaginian army. I didn't want to spend too much money on this figure and metal models turned out to be very expensive. However, I spotted a plastic figure online that might do the trick and he was very cheap. He is a mounted 'Trojan' and he sits on a cheap white plastic horse. In his free arm he carries are rather odd, Roman style, banner.:
I thought I would try and adapt him for my needs. The first thinkg I did was to cut off the banner and replace it with a sword. Having mounted the figure on a wooden base I painted it with my Speed paints. here is the result:Not perfect, but I think he will do the job until a more suitable figure comes along.Monday, 5 August 2024
Some more Ancients
Last night, I finished off a group of Italeri Celts. They were really nice to paint, with sharp definition and very clean lines.
I also managed to find a small group of the elusive HaT African Infantry for my Carthaginian army. This was really a test paint as I have now found a complete box of these figures which are already on the painting table. I may repaint these as I think the armour should be bronze rather than leather and the shields look a bit bland:
Finally, four Romans came with the Carthaginians and they have received a splash of paint:
Saturday, 3 August 2024
Italeri Romans
Another unit is added to my 54mm Ancient armies. This time it is a group of Romans by Italeri, painted with speed paints over a couple of evenings.