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Sunday 19 May 2024

King James and his cavalry

 Last night I finished off the cavalry loyal to King James, consisting of three units.  

Here is the King at the head of his horse, with his army beginning to deploy to the rear:

A close up of King James II.  I was not responsible for painting this lovely figure.  he comes from the collection of Bob Black.  All I did was repaint the base to match the other figures.  Over his right shoulder are the kings Life guards, later to become the Household Cavalry, supported by some Scottish Horse:

Apart from one infantry regiment that brings me to the end of this painting project.  Now to fight the battle.


  1. They are lovely, nice figures and well painted. A stalwart looking bunch ready for battle!

    1. Thanks Donnie. the battle is coming soon I hope, although I have found a couple more units that I could paint!
