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Friday 12 May 2023

Battle Report- Bussaco

A couple of weekends ago, Will and Emma visited for a couple of games.  Will brought his extensive collection of 20mm Anglo Portuguese and French armies, while I had set out the terrain.  We had decided to refight the battle of Bussaco, September 1810, which was an attack by Reynier against the right of the allied line.  For rules we used the Command & Colors (C&C) Napoleonic set, including use of the cards.

Will and Emma played the French, while I had the Anglo Portuguese army, sitting upon the ridge.

Here is the map of the battlefield (copyright Command & colors):

Unfortunately in the excitement of getting started I forgot to take pictures until after the game was underway, so this report gives an overview of the action rather than a blow by blow account:

To kick off the French began their assault in the centre and on their left, with the stream village and woods on the other flank creating a constraint:

The French initial main effort was a thrust in the centre that was heavily defended by the allies.

The French are beaten back, losing heavily:
The allies then counter-attacked, driving into the French centre, ending the French assault.

Over on the allied right/French left, things remain quiet with the French not wishing to attempt an assault over the stream.

The French now shifted attention to the allied left, with an assault by several regiments.

Once again the stiff allied defence of the ridge prevented any real progress for the French as each assault was countered and pushed back.  By now French losses were mounting steadily.

A final attempt on the ridge was made by a major French cavalry attack in the centre forcing some of the Portuguese into squares and forcing a battery to pull back.

French supporting infantry advance from the village, but too far away to assist the cavalry who were impotent against the allied squares:

Unfortunately for the French this attack came too late with the loss of a general and more casualties taking them over their casualty threshold.  As in the real action, Reynier's assault fails.

After lunch, we decided that we should attempt Ney's assault further along the ridge.


  1. I do love Napoleonic C&C , so good for recreating the historic battles.

    1. They certainly save a great deal of research time and are normally finely balanced making them fun to play.

  2. What a delightful looking game, not least becasue of the eclectic mix of old and new figure makes. I hope you're planning another post about what happened after lunch.

    1. There certainly is a mix of figures. I don't know them all, but there are some Douglas Miniatures, Hinton Hunt, HaT, some 3D printed, Les Higgins, Newline and I think Kennington. I will do a piece on the second action. That said, Will is up again this weekend and a Wars of the Roses battle beckons!

  3. Smashing stuff Bob…
    As Wellington Man said…it is good to see such a nice mix of old and new 20mm figures.

    All the best. Aly
