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Wednesday 24 August 2022

Figure Scale

 In my last post there are the beginnings of a discussion on scale, in particular how Irregular Miniatures 25/28mm figures compare to other ranges and are they 25mm or 28mm.  

The photo below shows how the figures compare.  On the left is a 25mm Minifigs (chubby variety) figure, then the Irregular Miniatures offering, followed a Warlord 28mm plastic soldier, then old and later Hinchliffe figures.

Irregular figures are a bit small to match modern 28mm figures, but work well with Hinchliffe and a bit oversize for Minifigs.

I hope that this is of use.


  1. Thanks for that, very good to see the comparison. As I feared the Irregular 25/28mm figures will be too big to use with the next scale down.

  2. Lovely toy soldier paint job btw!

  3. Yes, very helpful. I'd be amazed if any 25mm figures would be as big as modern "28mm" figures and this confirms it.
