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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Peninsular Warriors 9 - Warrior Miniatures French Cavalry

The latest troops to join my Peninsular armies are these two regiments of French dragoons by Warrior Miniatures. They are the Empress Guard Dragoons and 2nd Line Dragoons:


  1. They're very nice! Because they are a bit big for my preferred soldier size, I tend to forget about Warrior which is unfair - they paint up very well - those horses look good, too.

    1. I would agree that for those who use the finer and more slight Les Higgins and Hinton Hunt figures, Warrior are not much use. I use Minifigs S range mostly for my other Napoleonic battles and, although Warrior are roughly the same size, they do look a bit odd due to the poses. This is why I have used Warrior for the Peninsular campaign as it is more or less a stand alone affair, especially with the Brits and their stovepipe shakos.

  2. AGreed. Rather handsome troops and mounts. I kind of wish now, after seeing all of your Warrior figures, that I had opted for these Napoleonics all those many years ago when I entered the hobby.

    Best Regards,


  3. The French cavalry look really good!

  4. When mixed with other figures the Warrior Naps look poor. However if everything on the tables is the same make and style they look good More importantly they are excellent value for money.

    1. Totally agree. It was this piece in a blog that gave me the inspiration to use Warrior figures:
