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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Russian Infantry - Grenadiers

Russian grenadiers wore exactly the same uniform as line and light troops, except for minor embellishments to the uniform, and of course the standards that they carried. This unit is made up of R1, officer in helmet, R2 infantry in helmet advancing and R14 infantry standard bearer in helmet. They are also wearing white summer trousers, just for a change! The standard denotes a grenadier regiment of the 3rd Division.

Russian infantry columns on the move:


  1. Those Russian columns look brilliant on mass - great job!

  2. 'Quantity has a quality all of its own.' I can well believe it seeing these guys 'en masse'. I've probably said it before, but that won't stop me saying it again: there's an 'old schoolish' quality to these figures that brings out my nostalgia, and a sense that I am looking here at a real war gamer's army. It makes me glad I never 'retired' my first generation Minifigs...


  3. Agreed with both of the previous comments. Great stuff!

    Best Regards,


  4. Nice work. I intend to use helmets to distinguish between line (flat caps) and grenadiers (helmets). Not that happened in actuality, but just to take things easier on the table.
