The creation of a new wargames room in a spare bedroom and the acquisition of an 8 x 4 foot playing surface allowed me to consider some larger scale Napoleonic battles. I was also keen to give my recently painted Russian army a try out. I decided it would be fun to try out the Battle of Borodino and with will coming over for the day it was an opportunity not to be missed.
I based the battle on the Command and Colors scenario, but suitably enlarged to allow a greater number of troops and a more expansive battlefield. I played the Russians and Will the French.
This is a general view of the area of action looking from the French side. The two Russian redoubts are visible in the centre, and with Borodino village with the bridge on the left:
From one side looking along the French lines:
The opposite view. The stream is fordable but the boggy area acts as a hinderance for troops trying to cross. There are fords for cavalry and artillery to cross:
A view from the Russian Grand Redoubt looking out towards Borodino village:
The action kicks off with a French demonstration against Borodino village, which is held by Russian Light Infantry:
Supported by artillery French light troops storm the village:
After a brisk battle the French take Borodino, but decide not to occupy it due to the threat of Russian artillery in the redoubts overlooking the village.
This ended the action in this area for a while and attention shifted to the other flank, as Poniatowski's French Corps begins to move towards the Russian left. The action begins with some infantry, supported by Lancers and Chasseurs a Cheval moving forward to clear the Russian skirmishers from the woods. The French cavalry are chased off and pursued by some Cossacks:

A fierce firefight follows around the central wood with the Russian light supported by artillery
However, weight of numbers and artillery fire eventually overcomes the Russian light and the central wood is cleared by the French:
With Poniatowski's Corps advancing, the Russians observe the ominous sight of a mass of Cuirassiers moving up in support:
The Cossacks pursue the Chasseurs but are then chased off by Cuirassiers
The French now pour huge numbers of cavalry into the Russian flank and a major action unfolds:
A great melee between French cavalry and Russian infantry and Cossacks ensues. One of the Cuirassier regiments is forced back.
Russian Grenadiers in square formation beat off the French light cavalry
Suddenly it is all quiet on the Russian left flank. Having suffered heavily the Russian infantry have held off against the cavalry attack, although the Cossacks have been destroyed and the cohesion of units has been lost. In the distance large columns of French infantry can be seen advancing.
The Russians attempt to consolidate before the inevitable infantry attack.
French light and Russian Jaegers battle it out in the left hand woods. The Russians would be overwhelmed.
The situation for the Russians on their left flank is becoming critical. Despite fending off numerous attacks, Russian numbers are dwindling. Some heroic charges give temporary respite but each time the Russians lose more men and the French continue to advance.
The Russians attempt to consolidate their position on the left, continually threatened by cavalry and bombarded by artillery. The Russian guns on the left have now been silenced.
In an attempt to relieve pressure on his left flank, the Russian commander decides to demonstrate on the right. Several regiments of cavalry and infantry begin to cross the stream, instantly attracting the attention of the French.
This gives the left flank a breather and the Russian infantry pull back towards the centre.
Russian infantry move across the bridge towards Borodino village.
In order to regain the initiative and to counter the move on the Russian right the battalions of French Imperial Guard and Grenadiers a Cheval advance.
The Russian left has been restored.
French guard cavalry led by no less than Napoleon himself crash into the Russian infantry on the bridge, but they are driven off by a counter charge by Russian Curassiers.
Almost at the same time the lead French Guard battalions, again with Napoleon urging them on, attack the Grand Redoubt. The Russian guns fire cannister into the French ranks
A counter attack by Russian infantry destroys one of the depleted Guard battalions and the other is forced into square by the Russian Curassiers.
One of the Russian guns in the redoubt is destroyed but is quickly replaced by infantry who charge into the Guard battalion, destroying it. Napoleon is seen being carried off to the rear, badly wounded.
The Russian Cuirassiers follow up and smash into a French battalion in the river bed
Now the Young Guard arrive and cause further Russian casualties, but they are chased off by Russian dragoons. The Russian artillery is now seriously depleted but fights on.
However, the Russian commander looks over to his left and can see the remnants of his left flank retreating to the rear. Despite success around the redoubt, overall Russian losses mean that the day is lost.
The Russian withdraw back towards Moscow and to lick their wounds.
This was an excellent game which used a mix of old Minifig and Warrior figures, while the French also had Ros infantry. The rules used were our in house version of Command and Colors, used without the cards.
The final score was 15 - 13 to the French, quite a close result.
It took me a while to understand how best to use the Russians. Their musketry is terrible but they are very resilient and do well in close combat. The solution was to engage the French close up, which was costly but gave results.