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Friday, 3 April 2015

Douglas Miniatures Russian Lancers

A second unit of Russian Lancers, which will form part of the 2nd Composite Regiment as formed during the Crimean War. I have trimmed the lance pennon from the square ended original of the Douglas figure to what appears to be the more common swallow tail variety.


  1. Very nice. All of your Crimean era figures really make me itch to have a go at the early period myself (when the Albert shako, coatees, and full dress for the Brits were still a possibility in the field). This was really the period I wanted to jump into 30+ years ago, but there simply were not any readily available ranges that I could find here in the U.S. in 1983 on a teenager's weekly pocket money.

    Best Regards,


  2. Cool lancers! Forvsomebreason they never had the aggression of the British and and French cavalry. Perhaps their commanders thought that the sheer numbers of Russian cavalry would deter the Allies?
