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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Del Prado - Scale Issues

 In my previous post there was some discussion about the varying scales amongst Del Prado figures.  Here is an example.  Two figures from the same range, on the left Frederick Henry II of Orange and on the right a British Dragoon 1704.  It can be seen that the left hand figure is much larger in height and bulk:

If using these figures alongside conventional 54mm castings care is needed to determine their size before investing in them.


  1. Good to know, I would have thought they would have all been roughly the same scale but a fair difference there, they are nice figures though!

  2. Thanks Donnie. I think the larger figures might look OK as commanders standing alone. I have found three types of the smaller cavalry figures so far that will work with other 54mm castings.

  3. I've used the ECW type ones as General officers only so I can put up with size difference- if I squint a lot

    1. Standing alone on a hill, as generals do, they can do the job - just.

  4. There seems to be a lot of size variation in "54mm" figures, but Tbh for wargaming it has never bothered me that much. Larger commander figures seem entirely appropriate, it would be very sad if they were smaller than the chaps they commanded! Apart from Napoleon of course...
