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Thursday 16 March 2023

S Range Austrians

 I have been feeling a little guilty over the pile of Minifigs S Range Austrians sitting in a drawer for some time and, wondering what I should paint next, I decided to have a go at a few.

The main effort was two battalions of line infantry and rebasing some jaegers and gunners. They now form a nice little battlegroup:

If my mojo is maintained, I would like to paint a battalion of grenadiers and some militia.  We will see!


  1. I hope your is on top form, Austrians are really the main enemy against which the French had to contend and despite appearances were never crushed like Prussian and always able to survive to fight again.

    1. They do need extra care as they tend to suffer at the hands of the French.

  2. Beautiful little figure Bob…
    I have a few of these waiting patiently to be painted….

    All the best. Aly

    1. I look forward to seeing yours, but they will put my efforts to shame.

  3. The Austrian laundry must have been busy after they had flogged along the Danube flood plain!
