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Thursday, 8 December 2022

Ros Figures 25mm French Guard Horse Artillery

 As i continue to work through my collection of Ros Figures on an occasional basis, over the past week I have been working on the delightful French Imperial Guard Horse Artillery set.  Consisting of a gun, an officer and four gunners the set dates back to the late 1970s.  The detail is nice and crisp and apart from a few lumps and bumps on the base there was very little flash to contend with:


  1. Smart looking gun and crew which have stood the test of time I think.

    1. They are lovely little castings and as you say are quite respectable when painted. The only horror in my opinion is the awful French line infantry figure, which I think were the first castings from Ros.

  2. What great looking figures Bob and nicely painted too!

    1. Thanks. I must dig out the Guard foot artillery which are hiding in the stash somewhere.

  3. Nice paint job! I remember Ros adverts in Military Modelling back in the early 1970's, but don't remember seeing any guns listed, is this one a Ros casting?

    1. Yes, the guns come with the gunners. A set would include a gun model and five gunners. As far as I know there were eight packs: one Prussian, two British and four French. Ros didn't get around to producing guns for their limited Austrian and Russian ranges.

  4. Bob - these are great! I never knew these existed. I don't understand why Ros were so little-known at the time - they must have been advertised in a magazine I didn't read.

    1. MSFoy,
      The Ros Range was actually quite comprehensive and they were just starting to produce Russians and Austrians when the 25mm figures ceased production. The later figures were quite attractive.

      I have managed to acquire examples of most of the figures that I know were manufactured, although there are a few that have evaded me so far.

      I have listed what I know on my sister blog:
